Friday, November 21, 2008

Yay, It's Friday Again!

Although, who am I kidding, why does it really matter to me it it's the weekend or not?! I don't work, few of my friends work. We mostly just hang out or do mundane tasks no matter what day of the week it is. So, I guess the only really good thing about a weekend is that Chris doesn't have school. However, he does have a final on Monday, so I probably won't get much of his attention this weekend anyway. Paul, Stan & I can have a good ol' time by ourselves!

One of my good friends left the island this week to go home for Christmas, so I no longer have her to drink mocha chillers with everyday (probably good for my diet to cut that damned drink out. It's like devil's nectar!). And my other good friend, Abeni, has a job. Lame! It's also a bit of a downer that all this rain has put a damper on Pool Days & Beach Days. So the highlight of my days lately have been bill paying and grocery shopping.

Ah, grocery shopping! Where to begin?! Don't know really what the problem is these days, but Thursday is supposed to be the shipment day, and there still wasn't anything stocked. No lettuce, no tomatoes, no milk, no eggs, no sour cream, no tortilla chips (of which there is only ever one brand when they have it). I had to buy the boxed milk, which is tolerable for cereal, but not for drinking plain. Perhaps the bad weather slows the shipments? During hurricane season we went over a month with no cheese in the grocery store! So weird. But I do have to admit that I really only frequent the IGA, and that if I sometimes made the effort to travel to the other grocery stores/markets I might be able to find some missing items. But who wants to travel to 4 different stores to get one week's worth of groceries?!

Also, there's virtually no water on the island right now, which is also bizarre because it's been raining non-stop for weeks now (well might be a bit of an exaggeration, but not much). I guess the reasoning is that all the rain damaged the water mains. So we're back to a slow trickle in the shower, out of the taps etc. Used unfiltered water today in the coffee maker and ran the risk of clogging up the silly thing with sediment. Chris gave me a stern talking to, lol.

Our coffee maker has a life of it's own in that it only works if Chris sets the timer. So we have to set the timer for a minute in the future everytime we want coffee or it won't turn on. If you just press "start" nothing happens. One of the many weird things that happens when trying to combine 220v outlets with 110v appliances.

But for all the complaining, it is an adventure and it's good for us. I do actually love it here. All the idiosyncracies I write about are more for a story narrative, than an actual bitch session (although I must admit the day when nobody took VISA, and I had to keep running to the bank REALLY sucked!). Some people here (some students/SO's) bitch for real, constantly. And I find it ridiculous. People should be GRATEFUL that there is a school on this island that was willing to take them and offer them an excellent education. They sure weren't going to get to be doctors by staying on the mainland. And I am the first to admit, that this place is very different from home, but that's the point. It's not a mini-America/Canada. Grenada is a country that doesn't have to live up to OUR standards, we should be trying to conform and accept theirs.

Besides how cool will it be to one day say that I lived in the Caribbean for 2 years. I've never even been to the Caribbean before. Not even Mexico (and that one time in Tiajuana doesn't count!). And nothing, I MEAN NOTHING, beats swimming in the crystal clear ocean on a hot sunny day.

1 comment:

Julie Winckler said...

Seriously, what was up with grocery store Friday?? But Saturday was a gold mine. I agree, it's nothing to complain about just makes for one big adventure.