Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Poor Paul

So I'm at the food court drinking a mocha chiller (damned devil's nectar) with Abeni, and Paul decides that this would be a prudent time to fill his diaper (and of course I had him in a cloth one instead of a disposable!). And since he only goes once every 10 days or so, it's always a huge mess. Why does this always happen when we're out somewhere?! I think he does that on purpose.

I know that there is not a change table in the bathroom and only enough counter space for the sink (what's with that!), so I decide to change him in the back of the car. Paul is completely lathered in yellow goo, which is rapidly spreading from his diaper to his clothes to the change pad to his feet as he squirms around. I run out of wipes, and am frantically searching my diaper bag for all extra cloths. Use up the burp cloth, the face cloth, and eventually resort to stripping him and using his onsie that says "super cute" on it. Not so cute after it's been used to wipe poop from a baby's bum.

So, I 've cleaned up Paul as best as possible in the back of the car, and head back to the food court. I need to use the washroom to wipe the remaining yellow from Paul's legs and feet, and wash my hands. I have to use toilet paper as it's all that is available, and typical of public toilets, it's cheap one ply that is crumbling little yellow bits everywhere as I'm trying to hold Paul and wipe him off. A security guard lady follows me into the bathroom to make sure I don't put my "dirty baby" on the counter top. Obviously not a mother! Or if so, very unsympathetic to my squirmy upset baby, whose bum probably hurts cause it just exploded two weeks worth of poop out. I felt like telling her to "f@$k off!" But I instead inform her that perhaps this bathroom could use a change table, but I'm sure she doesn't care.

What's with the no change tables anywhere?! What do local people do when they have to change their babies? I've had to change mine on the filthy floor many times, and I am not very happy about it (but I guess I already have a "dirty baby" so what's the diff, right?).

1 comment:

Hiloi6 said...

oh, poor Paul and his explosive diarrhea! Tell him that soon he will be back in Canada where bathroom changing facilities are at least larger, although possibly no less dirty. i can be your surrogate mocha chiller buddy here as well, although I have to opt for the chocolate chip chiller to avoid the caffeine. The other day I had a candy cane chiller made with soy milk and, suprise, it was really good! Can't wait to see ya!