Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Sitting in my little house

It's another cloudy day here on the island. So far today I've just been lazing around thinking about things. Reflecting on our time here in this little house and the task ahead... which is to pack up and move out. Procrastinating on that front. Well, I still have a week and a half, right? Man, time goes quickly. One year down, one more to go...

We've heard through the unofficial grapevine that Ontario has opened up a few spots for clinical rotations through McMaster University. Could be spending our next two years in T-dot. Booooo! Well, I shouldn't be so harsh. Obviously, if we could get a clinical spot there it might be good for continuing on in Canada for a residency (but not necessarily). Also, I could work during that time, or at least finish up my Social Work practicums.

Feel somewhat mixed about that possibility. In terms of cities to live in I would WAY rather live in NY. Who wouldn't? But we have to think of what's best for us in the long run. Anyway, none of that matters right now. We'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out (patience not always being my strong suit).

Am somewhat miffed about what I hear is going on in the Canadian gov't right now. Don't like it at all. Even if I were Liberal, NDP or BlOC, I wouldn't like it. Too many conflicting interests. But though this is MY blog, I don't want to use this as a political soapbox. So, I'll just breathe deeply and hope that the citizens of our great country will get off their hineys and do something. Beautiful time of year to stage protests, don't you think? Could be Paul's first experience of activism.

Times like these I hate to say that I feel the US has it party running the government so that they can actually make some decisions and get things done, and if you didn't like it, vote them out next time round.

OK, enough political talk, on to more interesting things.


Nevermind then. I think I'll just go for now. Not much to say today, must be the rain or something.

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