Okay, why create a blog? It never occurred to me to do it before we left Canada almost a year ago now. I've never really read anyone else's blog, so I don't know how I can expect anyone to read mine. But since we've started this adventure, I've come to realize that I need a more substantial way to communicate with my friends and family other than my status updates on facebook everyday. So here it goes...
Today: what did I do? Pretty much nothing. Not a very interesting way to start a blog, I know, but what the hell, it's how most of my days go down here anyway. Paul woke up at 6:30am, so we hung out until it was time to drive Chris to school for 8am. Came home, and P & I slept on and off until noon. I think we kind of alternated who was sleeping and who was awake, but he seemed to be content to hang out in his crib, so I was happy to leave him there. I made up for my neglect with several rousing rounds of Purple People Eater after lunch, and I think Paul forgave me my morning neglect. This afternoon we watched Father of the Bride II, but Paul wasn't very interested in it for some reason, I thought it was pretty entertaining (mostly I was amused by the clothes of the early 90's, which were still much too heavily influenced by the styles of the 80's).
Then it was time for Chris to come home, yay! The highlight of my day! Especially on a day like today when it was all I could do to get out of my PJs. Don't ask me why I was so unable to be productive today. Who knows what's up with me these days! So I was extra happy that Chris was home because it is Friday, which means that he's usually willing to blow off studying for a night of tv/movie watching and junk food. We watched Tropic Thunder. OK movie, but not as funny as I would have hoped.
Oh, I did try to do one productive thing today and that was take Stan for a walk (I was a very bad doggy mommy and didn't take him yesterday). However, we went outside and were met with storm clouds in every direction. I tried to make a go of it anyway with the attitude of "hey, a little rain never hurt anyone!" But about 7 minutes in, I could hear the downpour moving toward us from across the bay. And sure enough we were caught out in a deluge. The runners that run along our street (Lighthouse Drive is the most popular running route for students) were cowering under trees. Stan tried desperately to pull me into the bushes for shelter, but I just decided to make a break for home. I could barely see anything as we stumbled along the rain was so heavy and driving into my eyes. We were soaked to the bone, and had to wade ankle deep in water the last 100 yds. Chris was standing in the open doorway with towels at the ready knowing that we would be turning around. So Stan got a 10 min. walk. But he just seemed happy to be out or the rain, and hey, I tried.
Well, that was my day. And I think that's all I have in me for a first entry. There are so many things that I COULD say, but I suppose this is a good enough start. And I'm sure it will be of no interest to you voyeurs, but to those of you back home I hope this means something to you. Just know that I'm missing all of you, and think of you often (more so than usual lately). Later!
Well that means something to me Karen!- being that that sounded like a typical day for me in Grenada--complete with finally deciding to take Lena for a walk and being promptly met with downpours. anyway, i can totally relate!
woops. that last comment was from me--faith.
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