Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One year down...

So, we are finished year numero uno. Technically, Chris has one more test on Fri, but as far as I'm aware it doesn't count or go on transcripts, so I'm considering him already finished. What a year! Move to Caribbean, have a baby, start medical school, start social wk. degree, the list goes on. Many firsts! We've had ups and downs (boooo to 7 wks apart), but we have survived it and now here we are Christmas.

Last year at this time I had just found out I was pregnant and was bursting to tell everyone. Now our baby is 4.5 months old. Time flies. I can barely remember my first two months at home with Paul. It was such a whirlwind of recovery, visits, late nights watching the Olympics, trips to the mall (I think I went to the mall almost everyday as it was a nice walk for me and P, and I could get out of the house for a chai. It was my version of physio). I'm sure the percocet and sleep deprivation had a lot to do with my hazy memory. All I know for sure is that I couldn't have gotten through it without mia madre. Kudos to you Mama!

These last few weeks on the island have also been a whirlwind of social events. I cannot believe how unbelievably lucky I am to come here and have an instant wealth of friendly spouses willing to help fill up my days. We've had Christmas parties, pool parties, sunset bbq's, the list goes on.

Today I went to town with friends, and then as soon as I got home Chris & P & I headed to the beach. The beach at dusk is so wonderful. We watched a cruise ship all lit up pull away from port. It looked like something out of Peter Pan (I'm not sure what that means, but I have an image in my head).

Chris continued his celebrations by going for sushi and then to the movies, but P needed to go to bed so he & I came home. Really I should be packing, but I am so totally over it. If worse comes to worse we can just throw odds and ends into the car and be done with it. Why must I always be so organized?!

Slowly getting rid of all the food in the house sucks. Tonight for dinner I ate the rest of a jar of bread and butter pickles, some fried potatoes and some taco chips. Healthy I know! Thought of eating the rest of the fishsticks too, but I felt too lazy to turn on the oven. On the upside, I think there is one lone beer left that I couldn't possibly leave behind. Mmmmmm, beer! Should have gotten a picture of me on the beach today nursing a baby AND a beer. Such class!

I've heard that Sunday in Calgary is going to begin the onset of a cold snap. Holy crap! I mean I could still be excited when I heard it was going to be -20 because I saw the pics of all the snow and frost and it looked so beautiful. But now I'm hearing crazy talk about highs of -31C, and I'm thinking that sounds a bit ridiculous. I don't think our bodies can tolerate such temperatures. Mom was going to bring P a bunting bag to the airport, I'd like one too please...

1 comment:

Julie Winckler said...

See now, that was a great blog! Your dinner cracked me up. And what is a bunting bag? You'll have to give me some winterducation on that one.