Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Ha! I found something to talk about. Well, I have to be doing something while Gloria cleans my house (saying that tongue in cheek, but kinda true).

Chris, my hubby, is off studying hard today. Dropped him at school at 9am, won't see him again til around 8pm. Well, this is how life is leading up to finals. Although he usually does find time at the end of the day to eat with me, and sometimes watch a movie (remind me to download Lord of the Rings 1 for tonight).

I think people should know how proud I am of him, and that you all should be proud of him too. Moving here, leaving everyone behind, pursuing this dream after years and years of rejection and set backs. And I think he is proving to himself, and everyone else, that this indeed is his calling.

Chris is kicking ass and taking names down here, and in a way it is vindication that yes, he can indeed succeed. He is dedicating his life to helping others, something that he has always wanted to do. Working with the disabled, volunteering at a hospice, and now going through medical school.

Of course Chris is self-depriciating (as always), and doesn't make a big deal out of any of the things he has done. Sometimes people get so wrapped up in the things that they haven't done, that they fail to see or appreciate those things that they have.

Well, I just wanted you all to know, that this has not been an easy road for us. Going into huge debt at 30 with a baby and me unemployed was not exactly in our financial plan. Moving away from all that we know and those that we love has been an adventure, but a very bittersweet one. Having no idea when of if we'll ever be able to go home again. These are the things that we had to come to terms with to come here. This is the sacrifice we are making so that Chris can follow his heart and his dreams.

We miss all of you dearly. Not a day goes by that Chris doesn't talk about someone from home. Thinking of you all....

1 comment:

Justin & Ashlee said...

Hey Karen, I didn't know you had a blog? I am with you all the way on this post. Proud of the hubby, but it is a hard road. Hopefully worth it in the end, right?