Friday, January 30, 2009

For Trevor

Well, my sister informed me that my brother-in-law felt that I was long overdue to post. So here it is...

It is the dry season here in Grenada. Usually January is blessed with wonderful trade winds (or the Christmas winds as local call them) and sunny weather. Unfortunately today is a downpour, and it does not look like it's going to clear up for me to go to the beach this afternoon. I'm pretty disappointed because Chris is writing a midterm today and was going to be free to join us at the beach after he finished. Oh well! On to plan B, which involves dropping the baby off at daycare and going to the gym for a workout.

I was all set to join the fancy gym right across from the daycare, so that I could drop Paul off and have my workout all within a hop-skip-and-a-jump, but the school gym has a bunch of new fancy equipment this semester so Chris is like "just use the school gym for free," and so I am. Anything to save a buck, right?!

We also have opted to try going cable free for a while, as we don't watch much tv anyway, and that's yet another bill we don't have to worry about. Wow, we're getting frugal in our old age! One indulgence that I'm not willing to cut out is my cleaning lady. I'll go down to just twice a month if I have to, but I am not one for moping floors and scrubbing the giant tile shower. I try to do my best at domesticity down here (and I'm sure Chris would agree I'm doing a pretty good jop), but there are just somethings that I will never get to. Hence a cleaning lady!

This last week has been dedicated to making Paul's baby food. I have a handy-dandy Baby Blender Foods cookbook, and have been steaming and blending and straining away! All without a dishwasher mind you, so it is quite a pain in the ass. One creates a huge amount of dishes when making baby food. Especially when I have screw ups like the grean beans that I had to steam, then blend, then put into trays, then realize they were too stringy still, so then I had to strain, and then put back into trays. Or the sweet potatoes (which I'm not really sure are sweet potatoes cause they look nothing like our version back home, and smell different, and taste different, so really they're a mystery vegetable), which I burnt to the bottom of the pan while cooking them. Anyway, he loves the apples and bananas that he has been introduced to this week, so hopefully all my hard work pays off. It would really suck if I had one of those babies who decided he didn't like food after all this work.

I read some website that said some people are bypassing grain cereals and purees altogether and going straight for soft cooked tiny bits of food on baby's plate. This is called Baby Led Weaning, and it allows the baby to make his own choices about what to put in his mouth and when to stop. So I started thinking "hey, maybe I don't want to be force feeding my kid (although his mouth is WIDE OPEN), and maybe I'll let him take the lead." This is so I can allow my boy to make his OWN choices and exert some control and blah blah blah. So I mashed up some banana and put it on his tray and said "OK Paul, you are in control. Why don't you try some banana?" And Paul prompty smashed his hand into the banana causing it to spray everywhere, and ran his hands all through his hair, and I think he even stuck some in his eye. He is not aware that this is FOOD and is meant to go in his MOUTH. I'm pretty sure he has no idea what's going on whatsoever. So I decided to ignore this hippy nonsense and go back to making my purees and forcing them into his mouth (although, again, his mouth is WIDE OPEN).

Well, that's all I got for this rainy morning. Off to make some coffee (French Press with french vanilla creamer. YUM!). Later yo!


Hiloi6 said...

Love to hear your stories about island life Karen! Your puree making reminds me of the time you made sweet potato soup in the basement suite when we all lived together. It was very tasty but was the consistency of mashed potatoes. Chris and I got a kick out of you calling it "soup" as it was not soupy at all. Incidently, I luckily re-read what I just written because I had written that "I" was very tasty, not "It", which sounded a little gross. Miss you! Hil

Julie Winckler said...

Even though I've already heard this story in person about trying to let Paul make his own decisions with food, I laughed out load when I read this. Good post! :)