Monday, December 15, 2008

We're home!

The last few days have been a bit of an ordeal, but we made it and we're happy to be back!

The beginning of the adventure occurred when we got to the airport in Grenada two hours early, and were STILL in the check in line 20 min. before our flight left. Not the quickest at the Liat counter on our little island, but they held the plane for us and shortly we were off.

Immediately, I became somewhat concerned when Paul started crying on take-off and was wide awake the whole flight to Barbados. Thinking "this does not bode well." And I was right. Paul barely napped at all during our 7 hour layover in Barbados, and was wide awake during our 6 hour flight to Toronto. It was a very long flight! He didn't scream the whole way, but was pretty fussy the entire time. Nothing like walking the aisles with a cranky baby, and mostly sympathetic looks from other passengers (although I'm sure some of them we're thinking not so sympathetic thoughts). We checked into our hotel in TO shortly after 11pm and left again before 7am. Not nearly long enough to enjoy one of the most comfortable beds in the world (thank-you Hilton!). Paul was again mostly awake and somewhat fussy on the four hour flight to Calgary, but we made it and all is well!

It was -36C today in our beautiful city! Somewhat shocking to us island dwellers. Poor P's little hands and feet are always like icicles. He's sleeping in a giant teddy bear outfit made of fleece compete with hood and feet. That will keep him warm!

Outside it is white and frosty everywhere. It just looks bloody cold. It's the type of cold where your skin starts to sting as soon as it hits the air and every breath is a shock to your system. But I must admit it is so pretty! I will always love the snow, cold, and a white Christmas. We've had fires, we've had hot chocolate, I'm wearing a cashmere sweater around for god's sake! Long undies, jeans!, fuzzy slippers, down duvets, hugs from my husband when we find eachother cozy and not disgusting with dripping sweat and BO!

I think the funniest thing that's happened so far was my homage to Grenadian driving: My Mom was trying to leave the Calgary airport which was jammed with traffic coming and going. Eight lanes all trying to merge into one, and everyone being selfish and cranky and not letting in anyone else. Finally I had had enough! I rolled down my window, stuck my whole arm out the window in the "stop" gesture to the car in the next lane, and he did! My mom was then able to merge over. Why is it that everyone can ignore a signal light, but when I actually take physical action they pay attention?! Anyway, I brought my head and my arm back in the window and said "and that's how we do it in Grenada!" Ha!

This morning we went to the mall to get P's pic taken with Santa. Turned out quite well! I must say my son sure is adorable! I also am hoping not to have to return to the mall anytime soon. What a madhouse! I love being home and all, but I forget how crazy busy it is everywhere! I laugh thinking that I was impatient the other day in Grenada waiting for 10 min. in traffic, where here it's taking us sometimes over an hour to inch our way along (esp. on these icy/snowy roads!).

Well it is way past my bedtime. Still fighting off jetlag I"m sure. Talk to you all again soon! Merry Merry!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One year down...

So, we are finished year numero uno. Technically, Chris has one more test on Fri, but as far as I'm aware it doesn't count or go on transcripts, so I'm considering him already finished. What a year! Move to Caribbean, have a baby, start medical school, start social wk. degree, the list goes on. Many firsts! We've had ups and downs (boooo to 7 wks apart), but we have survived it and now here we are Christmas.

Last year at this time I had just found out I was pregnant and was bursting to tell everyone. Now our baby is 4.5 months old. Time flies. I can barely remember my first two months at home with Paul. It was such a whirlwind of recovery, visits, late nights watching the Olympics, trips to the mall (I think I went to the mall almost everyday as it was a nice walk for me and P, and I could get out of the house for a chai. It was my version of physio). I'm sure the percocet and sleep deprivation had a lot to do with my hazy memory. All I know for sure is that I couldn't have gotten through it without mia madre. Kudos to you Mama!

These last few weeks on the island have also been a whirlwind of social events. I cannot believe how unbelievably lucky I am to come here and have an instant wealth of friendly spouses willing to help fill up my days. We've had Christmas parties, pool parties, sunset bbq's, the list goes on.

Today I went to town with friends, and then as soon as I got home Chris & P & I headed to the beach. The beach at dusk is so wonderful. We watched a cruise ship all lit up pull away from port. It looked like something out of Peter Pan (I'm not sure what that means, but I have an image in my head).

Chris continued his celebrations by going for sushi and then to the movies, but P needed to go to bed so he & I came home. Really I should be packing, but I am so totally over it. If worse comes to worse we can just throw odds and ends into the car and be done with it. Why must I always be so organized?!

Slowly getting rid of all the food in the house sucks. Tonight for dinner I ate the rest of a jar of bread and butter pickles, some fried potatoes and some taco chips. Healthy I know! Thought of eating the rest of the fishsticks too, but I felt too lazy to turn on the oven. On the upside, I think there is one lone beer left that I couldn't possibly leave behind. Mmmmmm, beer! Should have gotten a picture of me on the beach today nursing a baby AND a beer. Such class!

I've heard that Sunday in Calgary is going to begin the onset of a cold snap. Holy crap! I mean I could still be excited when I heard it was going to be -20 because I saw the pics of all the snow and frost and it looked so beautiful. But now I'm hearing crazy talk about highs of -31C, and I'm thinking that sounds a bit ridiculous. I don't think our bodies can tolerate such temperatures. Mom was going to bring P a bunting bag to the airport, I'd like one too please...

Monday, December 8, 2008


Wow! It sure doesn't feel like Christmas when you're used to the snow and freezing weather, and instead it's a balmy 30C outside with tropical breezes blowing in over the ocean. Well, soon enough we will be back home. Less than a week!

I began packing today for THE MOVE, but am feeling somewhat uninspired, perhaps "overwhelmed" is more the right word. I'll start in one area, and then think "oh, but I want to get this done," so then I'll move on to another area. Right now I just have many piles all over the house as I have been pulling things outta drawers and cupboards. The difficulty is compounded by the fact that I am trying to separate what we'll be needing to pack to go home for Christmas at the same time. So far Paul's going home outfit consists of jammies, a hoody, and socks with crabs on them (perhaps a bit summery for Christmas in Calgary, but it's all he has to keep his feet warm upon arrival).

It's kinda hard because there are so many events to go to this last week of school, but because we have to get packed up, I don't really have time to go to most of them. A real bummer because some of my friends are leaving for good. Well, with each new semester more leave and more come. It's a constant turnover. Is a little sad to be saying goodbye every 6 months, but I'm sure I'll get to see many of these people again.

Tonight Paul & I are going to a sunset potluck bbq at our friends' house which is just down the road from us. They're renting a super cute little cottage right on the ocean with a big balcony overlooking Prickly Bay. Should be some nice views this evening. I'm dying to see the inside of this place.

I found out this afternoon that Paul has been accepted into the daycare program! Yay! I'm allowed to drop him off in the afternoons on Mon, Wed & Fri if I so desire. I'm very excited as I had heard that they were all booked up for next semester as they can only have so many infants at one time, but I guess someone else turned down the hours, so I was next on the list. The daycare facility is on the Grand Anse campus, which means that I am going to join the gym that is right across the street. It only costs 14EC for an afternoon (equivalent of $6). I'm very excited to be able to have a little bit of freedom here and there.

Currently I am ignoring a crying baby who needs to sleep so that we can go out this evening. Well, I best be off as I have to make an artichoke dip. Bye all!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


Ha! I found something to talk about. Well, I have to be doing something while Gloria cleans my house (saying that tongue in cheek, but kinda true).

Chris, my hubby, is off studying hard today. Dropped him at school at 9am, won't see him again til around 8pm. Well, this is how life is leading up to finals. Although he usually does find time at the end of the day to eat with me, and sometimes watch a movie (remind me to download Lord of the Rings 1 for tonight).

I think people should know how proud I am of him, and that you all should be proud of him too. Moving here, leaving everyone behind, pursuing this dream after years and years of rejection and set backs. And I think he is proving to himself, and everyone else, that this indeed is his calling.

Chris is kicking ass and taking names down here, and in a way it is vindication that yes, he can indeed succeed. He is dedicating his life to helping others, something that he has always wanted to do. Working with the disabled, volunteering at a hospice, and now going through medical school.

Of course Chris is self-depriciating (as always), and doesn't make a big deal out of any of the things he has done. Sometimes people get so wrapped up in the things that they haven't done, that they fail to see or appreciate those things that they have.

Well, I just wanted you all to know, that this has not been an easy road for us. Going into huge debt at 30 with a baby and me unemployed was not exactly in our financial plan. Moving away from all that we know and those that we love has been an adventure, but a very bittersweet one. Having no idea when of if we'll ever be able to go home again. These are the things that we had to come to terms with to come here. This is the sacrifice we are making so that Chris can follow his heart and his dreams.

We miss all of you dearly. Not a day goes by that Chris doesn't talk about someone from home. Thinking of you all....

Sitting in my little house

It's another cloudy day here on the island. So far today I've just been lazing around thinking about things. Reflecting on our time here in this little house and the task ahead... which is to pack up and move out. Procrastinating on that front. Well, I still have a week and a half, right? Man, time goes quickly. One year down, one more to go...

We've heard through the unofficial grapevine that Ontario has opened up a few spots for clinical rotations through McMaster University. Could be spending our next two years in T-dot. Booooo! Well, I shouldn't be so harsh. Obviously, if we could get a clinical spot there it might be good for continuing on in Canada for a residency (but not necessarily). Also, I could work during that time, or at least finish up my Social Work practicums.

Feel somewhat mixed about that possibility. In terms of cities to live in I would WAY rather live in NY. Who wouldn't? But we have to think of what's best for us in the long run. Anyway, none of that matters right now. We'll just have to wait and see how it all plays out (patience not always being my strong suit).

Am somewhat miffed about what I hear is going on in the Canadian gov't right now. Don't like it at all. Even if I were Liberal, NDP or BlOC, I wouldn't like it. Too many conflicting interests. But though this is MY blog, I don't want to use this as a political soapbox. So, I'll just breathe deeply and hope that the citizens of our great country will get off their hineys and do something. Beautiful time of year to stage protests, don't you think? Could be Paul's first experience of activism.

Times like these I hate to say that I feel the US has it party running the government so that they can actually make some decisions and get things done, and if you didn't like it, vote them out next time round.

OK, enough political talk, on to more interesting things.


Nevermind then. I think I'll just go for now. Not much to say today, must be the rain or something.